
Tag: family

Slow down! Only little once

only little once

       Slow down! Only little once… Life is busy! As parents there never seems to be a free moment. At least I know that’s the way I feel most of the time. My schedule is pretty full.  I Read more…

A lesson in Humility


        A lesson in humility The other day my I was picking up my older two daughters from their dad, we meet at a gas station that has a Wal-mart across the street. We live in northern Read more…

All Because Two People Fell in Love Part 2

guided by yhwh yhvh

Part 2 of All Because Two People Fell in Love   How we met (Mike’s version)   If you read CJ’s version, then you know what an amazing story it is of how we met.  The death of her brother Read more…

All Because Two People Fell in Love Part 1

guided by yhwh yhvh

All Because Two People Fell In Love A Family starts with two…… We have all seen the sign “All because two people fell in love”.  This is my story of how Mike and I “met” and started raising our family Read more…

Praying for Healing

Healing Praying for Healing! This week has been a busy one! As some of you may know (because of the prayer requests) my mother in law was in the ICU. She is still recovering but is at least out of Read more…