Custom Orders

Custom Shirts to Announce a PregnancyGrandpa

Custom Garden Flags
This Custom Shema is 12 Feet Long!!
Custom Wall Decals 8 Feet and 6 Feet LongBaruch Haba B'shem Yahweh!

Custom Shirts to Announce a Pregnancy
Custom Garden Flags
This Custom Shema is 12 Feet Long!!
Custom Wall Decals 8 Feet and 6 Feet Long
Baruch Haba B'shem Yahweh!
Custom / Personalized Messianic Merchandise
Cannon Keepsakes is the perfect place to get your custom Biblical products. We can put your picture on a coffee mug, or put your favorite verse on a shirt. Here are some of the products that we can customize.
- Coffee mugs – Perfect for your Sabbath morning coffee
- Travel mugs – Take your Biblical beliefs to work with you
- Water bottles – If the Israelites only had these when YHWH sent water from a rock!
- Plastic tumblers – Awesome for taking your Shabbat outdoors
- T-shirts – Show everyone your faith in Yeshua
- Long sleeve shirts – Show everyone your faith in Yeshua when its chilly
- Sweatshirts / hoodies – Show everyone your faith in Yeshua when its cold
- Outdoor stickers – Nice for showing your Messianic beliefs on your car window, mailbox, tablet cover, etc.
- Indoor stickers – Put your favorite Bible verse on the wall
- Backpacks – Carry all of your Sukkot gear on your back
- Folding camp chairs – Great for those Sabbath evening cookouts
- Sport / duffle bags – Take the name of Yahweh with you to the gym or traveling
- Hats / visors – We all know that our covering is the Messiah, now you can show it too
Contact Us
Looking for custom or personalized Biblical products, let us know and we’ll see if its something that we can do for you!
Please consider donating to Cannon Keepsakes. Donations help us to continue to provide our products for as low of a price as possible. And to provide for those who cannot afford.